
Showing posts from 2009

Setting a Global Recipient Limit on Exchange 2007

On Exchange 2007 , it is set up to 5000 user defaultly, you can check and configure this limit by Microsoft Exchange PowerShell Checking the Limit : [PS] C:\Windows\System32>Get-TransportConfig | Format-List MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit : 150 Setting up a new limit : [PS] C:\Windows\System32>Set-TransportConfig -MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit:250 Checking its work: [PS] C:\Windows\System32>Get-TransportConfig | Format-List MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit : 250

SSH configuration on PIX Firewall

To configure a Cisco PIX Firewall to support SSH, enter the following commands: hostname firewall domain-name ca gen rsa key 1024 ssh inside ssh timeout 60 passwd SIFRENIZ     This configuration allows ssh from the address on the inside interface. Change this address to something that makes sense for your network. If desired, you can use this line to allow access from any address on the outside interface: ssh outside     Important : You should be aware that which interface of firewall you try to connect, inside or outside      

Telnet ile mail gönderme

Öncelikle mail göndereceğiniz sunucuya bağlantı sağlanmalıdır. telnet 25 Connected to mail.domain.ext. Escape character is '^]'. 220 ESMTP Sendmail ?version-number?; ?date+time+gmtoffset? HELO 250 Hello [ ], pleased to meet you MAIL FROM: 250 2.1.0 … Sender ok RCPT TO: 250 2.1.0 … Recipient ok DATA mesajı yazmaya başlarsınız mesaj bitince iki kez enter tuşuna basarak işlemi bitirisiniz. 250 2.0.0 ???????? Message accepted for delivery QUIT Komutu ile sistemden çıkış yaparsınız Connection closed by foreign host.

Logging PIX and Kiwi SysLog

Syslog daemons are little programs that listen to syslog messages coming over the network over port 514UDP. When a message gets logged in the application, the daemon dumps it in a text file or a database for later use. Archiving and backuping your log is very important: they can be very useful to help you diagnostic a security problem or help with a legal one. To get started, we need to enable logging in your firewall, to do this follow these steps: 1- Log into your firewall 2- Enter those commands: firewallname> enable [enter enable password] firewallname# conf t firewallname(config)# logging on firewallname(config)# logging trap debugging firewallname(config)# logging host inside [ip of your syslog server] firewallname(config)# write mem You may also need to configure your pix to send a timestamp along with each message if your syslog server doesn't generate one itself. The command to generate a timestamp is: firewallname(config)# logging timestamp In this case we won't...

SVN Backup

For backing up SVN , instead of copying and pasting Repository Folder ,use svnadmin hotcopy command 1- Open cmd prompt and type in your server: svnadmin hotcopy "C:\Documents and Settings\Subversion Repository" "D:\SVNBackup\hotcopy"

Add or remove holidays in your Calendar

Adding Holidays to Calendars Outlook and Entourage have a built-in feature to add holidays from different countries and religions to your Calendar. As a service to KU, Information Technology is also making the KU Academic Calendar available. Follow the instructions below to add holidays from 2007 through 2012 and/or KU Academic Calendar items from Spring 2007 through Summer 2012. Outlook Web Access users: Outlook Web Access has no function that allows you to add the holidays to the calendar. However, if you follow this procedure while accessing your account from Outlook 2003/2007 or Entourage 2004/2008, you will be able to view these items afterwards on your calendar using Outlook Web Access. You can access your account from a Windows machine that has Outlook installed by creating a new profile . Windows users: Outlook 2003/2007 Mac users: Entourage 2004/2008 If you need assistance with these instructions, please call the IT Customer Service Center at 864-8080....

Ubuntu Komutları

Ubuntu Komutları Dosyaların yetkilerini öğrenmek için : Ls -al Dosyanın yetkisini değiştirmek için : sudo chmod 777 . Dosyanın ownershipliğini değiştirme : sudo chown -R tomcat6:root * Dökümantasyon için : man komutu : man ls Edit için sudo vim Log okuma tail -f localhost.2009-10-28.log /var/log/tomcat6/ Ethernet disable ve enable komutu : sudo ifdowneth0 / sudo ifup eth0 Memory Kullanımı : vmstat Free cat /proc/meminfo Çalışan Processleri listeler : Ps -aux Ownership değiştirme : sudo chown tomcat6:tomcat6 crowd.cfg.xml Task manager : sudo apt-get install htop

How to get your iPhone on WiFi when your proxy uses NTLM (thanks to NTLMAPS)

I have been struggling to get my iPhone working against my corporate ISA proxy server . Once I had connected to WiFi, Safari would continually prompt me for my domain user name and password, and none of the apps would work (maybe because they didn't know how to prompt me for credentials). After a bit of poking around with fiddler, telnet, and all sorts of settings, I was certain that the problem was our ISA Proxy server's NTLM authentication. NTLM is an authentication mechanism from Microsoft. Microsoft's ISA Proxy Server uses NTLM to be able to tell which active directory user is attempting to access the internet. If you're surfing with Internet Explorer, it picks up your username directly from your login, and you might not even realise that IE is authenticating you. If you're using firefox, you might get prompted the first time you go on the internet. As far as I can tell, Google Chrome prompts you each time you launch it. If you're trying to get online with...


INSTALLING PERL Download the latest version of Perl from ActiveState to your desktop. After the download process has completed, double click on the program to begin the installation process. Choose Next to continue. Accept the End-User License Agreement and choose Next to continue. Change the installation path to match your computer. (This set up uses F:\Perl\ .) Choose Next to continue. Verify the following choices are selected and choose Next to continue. Choose Install to begin the installation process. The installation will take a few minutes. After a few minutes, choose Finish to complete the installation. To verify the Perl path is set correctly, Right Click on My Computer and select Properties . Select the Environment Variables from the Advanced tab. See the path listed under System Variables. Choose OK to close the current windows. You have successfully installed Perl. Now you can install MRTG . Pasted from < http://...


Before you can install MRTG, you need to download and install Perl first. Download MRTG to your desktop. You also need WinZip (or another unzip utility). Double Click the MRTG icon to unzip the file. Navigate to the location you extracted MRTG to and notice the odd name on the folder. Right Click on the folder and select Rename . Change the name to mrtg . Create a new folder called on the same drive called mrtghtml . You are now finished with the installation of MRTG. The next step is to create a config file for the MRTG data you will collect. You can create this file with CFGMAKER . Begin by opening a DOS Window by typing command in the Run box. Choose OK. Navigate to the mrtg\bin directory. This is the fun part! At this point, you must know the community string and IP address for the equipment you want to monitor. If you don't know, you most likely don't have any business monitoring it! In this document, I will use a Windows NT Server. I...

How to Record URL and User Information in ISA 2004 Firewall Logs and Reports

One of the most common questions I see on the Web boards and mailing list is how to get user and URL information in the ISA firewall's logs and reports. The ISA firewall creates reports using ISA log summaries. The log summaries are derived from the ISA firewall's Web Proxy filter and Firewall service logs. If you want to see user information and URLs (instead of IP addresses) in the reports, you've got to get that information into the logs first. You need to address the following issues to get the user information into the logs: Configure the Web Proxy log to record user and URL information Configure all machines on the internal network as Web Proxy and Firewall clients Remove anonymous access rules that would apply before authenticated access rules Install LogHostname to get URLs for SecureNAT clients NOTE : This article is not a comprehensive review of the ISA firewall's logging and reporting features. Check out the last chapter in our book Config...

Understanding the ISA Server Reporting Feature

ISA Server includes a reporting feature that you can use for a number of purposes: Use reports to obtain and view information on usage statistics of the server for both computers and client users. Create your own reports. Each report here consists of a number of sub-reports, taking the form of charts and graphs. This concept is illustrated on the 2nd page of the Article: The predefined ISA Server reports are listed here: Summary reports : These reports combine data from the Firewall service log and Web proxy service log, to show network traffic usage. Summary reports are sorted by application and are especially useful when you need to manage Internet connectivity, or determine trends traffic patterns. Web Usage reports : These reports show information on how the Web is being used, and detail information on: Top Web users Common responses Browsers in use Web Usage reports use information in the Web Proxy service logs. Application usage reports : These reports show Internet a...

Cloud Computing

Orhan Alkan / Sun Microsystems Türkiye Bilişim yeni bir şekil alıyor; birçok işlev veri merkezlerine kayarak daha merkezi hale geliyor ve "Cloud" dediğimiz yapılar oluşuyor. Bilgiişlem kapasitesinin ağ (network) üzerine kayması, her zaman ve her heryerden erişilebilmesine olanak sağlıyor. "Cloud Computing" (CC), teknik kişileri heyecanlandıran bir başka platform değişikliğinin çok ötesine geçmektedir. O yalnızca tüm bilişim teknolojileri (BT) endüstrisini dönüştürmekle kalmayıp aynı zamanda insaların çalışma, firmaların operasyon yapış tarzlarınida ciddi değişik yapacaktır. Birçok kişinin düşündüğünün aksine "Cloud Computing" gerçektir, dönüşüm başlamıştır, hızlanarak devam edecektir. Bu nedenle yalnızca sıcak bir konu olmanın ötesinde, özel bir ilgi ve çalışmayı hak etmektedir. Bu makale ve devamında amacım "Cloud Computing" hareketinin durumunu, nereye gittiğini, yapısını, sunduğu fırsatları ve yarattığı sorunları incelemektir. Bu ilk bölüm...