
Showing posts from December, 2009

Setting a Global Recipient Limit on Exchange 2007

On Exchange 2007 , it is set up to 5000 user defaultly, you can check and configure this limit by Microsoft Exchange PowerShell Checking the Limit : [PS] C:\Windows\System32>Get-TransportConfig | Format-List MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit : 150 Setting up a new limit : [PS] C:\Windows\System32>Set-TransportConfig -MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit:250 Checking its work: [PS] C:\Windows\System32>Get-TransportConfig | Format-List MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit : 250

SSH configuration on PIX Firewall

To configure a Cisco PIX Firewall to support SSH, enter the following commands: hostname firewall domain-name ca gen rsa key 1024 ssh inside ssh timeout 60 passwd SIFRENIZ     This configuration allows ssh from the address on the inside interface. Change this address to something that makes sense for your network. If desired, you can use this line to allow access from any address on the outside interface: ssh outside     Important : You should be aware that which interface of firewall you try to connect, inside or outside      

Telnet ile mail gönderme

Öncelikle mail göndereceğiniz sunucuya bağlantı sağlanmalıdır. telnet 25 Connected to mail.domain.ext. Escape character is '^]'. 220 ESMTP Sendmail ?version-number?; ?date+time+gmtoffset? HELO 250 Hello [ ], pleased to meet you MAIL FROM: 250 2.1.0 … Sender ok RCPT TO: 250 2.1.0 … Recipient ok DATA mesajı yazmaya başlarsınız mesaj bitince iki kez enter tuşuna basarak işlemi bitirisiniz. 250 2.0.0 ???????? Message accepted for delivery QUIT Komutu ile sistemden çıkış yaparsınız Connection closed by foreign host.

Logging PIX and Kiwi SysLog

Syslog daemons are little programs that listen to syslog messages coming over the network over port 514UDP. When a message gets logged in the application, the daemon dumps it in a text file or a database for later use. Archiving and backuping your log is very important: they can be very useful to help you diagnostic a security problem or help with a legal one. To get started, we need to enable logging in your firewall, to do this follow these steps: 1- Log into your firewall 2- Enter those commands: firewallname> enable [enter enable password] firewallname# conf t firewallname(config)# logging on firewallname(config)# logging trap debugging firewallname(config)# logging host inside [ip of your syslog server] firewallname(config)# write mem You may also need to configure your pix to send a timestamp along with each message if your syslog server doesn't generate one itself. The command to generate a timestamp is: firewallname(config)# logging timestamp In this case we won't...

SVN Backup

For backing up SVN , instead of copying and pasting Repository Folder ,use svnadmin hotcopy command 1- Open cmd prompt and type in your server: svnadmin hotcopy "C:\Documents and Settings\Subversion Repository" "D:\SVNBackup\hotcopy"

Add or remove holidays in your Calendar

Adding Holidays to Calendars Outlook and Entourage have a built-in feature to add holidays from different countries and religions to your Calendar. As a service to KU, Information Technology is also making the KU Academic Calendar available. Follow the instructions below to add holidays from 2007 through 2012 and/or KU Academic Calendar items from Spring 2007 through Summer 2012. Outlook Web Access users: Outlook Web Access has no function that allows you to add the holidays to the calendar. However, if you follow this procedure while accessing your account from Outlook 2003/2007 or Entourage 2004/2008, you will be able to view these items afterwards on your calendar using Outlook Web Access. You can access your account from a Windows machine that has Outlook installed by creating a new profile . Windows users: Outlook 2003/2007 Mac users: Entourage 2004/2008 If you need assistance with these instructions, please call the IT Customer Service Center at 864-8080....